I want you to know that dreams do come true. Now, take a moment, please, and push any images of Disney aside. Let's talk dreams, not fairy tales. The stuff of real life. Unless you'd like to kiss a frog? Dreams. The inner longings of your soul. Deep down in there. Deep enough no one else knows about them. Maybe you don't even know them yet. But you ...
31 Things
There is TRUTH.
This world is spinning...on its axis and on its head. Everywhere you look you will see contradictions. And confusion. There will be times you feel very much like a ship tossed by waves. Big ones. Which is why it is so important for you to know this: There is truth. Feelings change. Facts do not. Opinions alter. Education falters. There is only one thing that never ...
You are loved.
I'm sitting here this morning, listening to the sounds of you. All of you. All the sounds. There's laughter. There's not. There are a million little sounds that mean nothing and everything. The sound of toy strollers racing down the hall. The sound of rushing water because you're playing in the sink….again. The sound of someone filling her own cup, making me ...
31 Things I Want My Kids To Know
This October, I'm joining a bunch of bloggers in taking the Write 31 Days Challenge. Last year, I wrote 31 Days of Wisdom for Moms Like Me, a 31-day journey through the book of Proverbs. It was a month of learning things I need to know. This month, I am going to focus my writing on things my kids need to know. My posts will be written much like letters to my little ones, but I feel ...