always make me think of Africa. Which is ironic, really, because when I lived there, it hardly ever rained. Like, severe drought for a year and a half, but still... Maybe it's the way rain brings relief from the Mississippi heat or the way it builds up, heavy with humidity until it pours out hard and fast and then disappears completely. I don't know, but.... I really love nothing more ...
God is faithful….
Ten years ago.... my friend Melissa left this beautiful child at a children's home in Kenya...hoping she would be safe and rescued from a life on the streets. For ten years, Melissa has wondered and prayed and tried to learn what became of Rose. Last week, we heard that she is indeed alive and well and here's the picture to prove it: Thank you for praying that we would find ...
Tuesday’s Tip: If it looks good, eat it.
And sometimes if it doesn't. Before I left for Africa, I was surprised by the number of people who hinted that I should pack a suitcase full of granola bars. When I laughed, they asked, "But what will you eat?" Here's the truth: I love Kenyan food. Always have. The country is filled with fresh produce. The fruit is fabulous (except the watermelons...they're not from Smith County so they ...
Two weeks ago on Monday, I was here...... ...missing my babies, but loving on these.... ...and learning a whole lot about the ministry of His Cherished Ones. Y' have to visit Trena's blog. You just have to. The baby house in Nakuru, Kenya is a precious place where lives are (quite literally) being redeemed from the pit. It's also a place where a small group of widows ...