Hi, everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? I apologize for the little break we've had from Encouraging Word Wednesday. I was so busy at the end of the school year, while I was preparing to go to Kenya and trying to be sure my kids were at all the events with all the projects complete...you know. You've been there. After returning from Kenya, I found myself in the same predicament I usually ...
Learnable Moments for Moms
Join us today for Encouraging Word Wednesday, a book review and a giveaway! I'll never forget the moment I realized my children were watching and learning from everything I do. I was preparing dinner, chopping vegetables and not paying much attention to what my small daughter was doing. She, however, was paying complete attention to what I was doing and was following me step by ...
20 FREE Printable Bible Verse Lunch Box Notes for Your Kids
Encourage your kids with these FREE Printable Bible Verse Lunch Box Notes and help them face each school day with faith! Last week on Encouraging Word Wednesday, I wrote about How to Set Your Mind on Things Above, and today, I'd like to give you a little something to help your kids do just that at school every day! After all, our kids face so many decisions, ...
5 Blog Posts to Encourage You to Choose Joy
Joy. It's an earmark of the Christian life, or at least it's supposed to be. Being joyful isn't always easy though. Read on to find encouragement to help you "rejoice in the Lord always." Some of the most recognizable words from the book of Philippians are "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, 'Rejoice!'" (Philippians 4:4) They were written by a man in ...