This week, I found myself sitting in my driveway crying over a situation I can't control and hurts I can't help. I had done the mama thing and walked outside so my kids wouldn't see the complete meltdown I felt coming. And it did. I hit the pavement and let the tears flow. I was awash in my own weakness, my inability, inadequacy, ineptitude. It hurt, and I needed ...
How to Form Real Life Relationships in a Virtual Reality World
We live in a world of fast-paced communication that seldom sinks much lower than the surface, and while we often know what half of our "friends" ate for lunch, we don't seem to know much else. We're always in contact, but we seldom connect. It's lonely, isn't it? This knowing the details without the depth. For moms who are at home with kids each day, the isolation can be overwhelming. I ...
Because Doing Life Alone Equals Disobedience.
I put the twins down for a nap and sent the older kids to their rooms because I needed to be alone. ALONE. I needed to think without interruption and pray and study for teaching a class this Sunday. And just be by myself. Tell me you know how I feel. Moms get very little time to themselves. Homeschooling moms get even less. I wanted to write a blog post for a change. ...
Choose Your Friends Wisely.
When you were a kid, how many times did you hear an adult warn about choosing your friends wisely? I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard it preached to youth and taught to teens. Surely, you’ve heard someone say: “It’s easier for someone to pull you down than for you to pull them up.” And, it can be completely true, but… I think that, as adults, we have a tendency ...