*This post contains affiliate links. My son is six. This is his 7th Christmas, and since the second, everything he has every really wanted for Christmas (or birthdays, for that matter) has fallen into one of three categories: Dinosaurs, Cars or Puzzles. Seriously. My mom always asks, "What does he want?" I say, "Dinosaurs, Cars, or Puzzles." She says, "I should have known." He loves ...
Gift Ideas
Make-It-Yourself Monday: Sweet Treats For Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if you're anything like me, you might be looking for quick, easy and inexpensive treats for a classroom full of kiddos. Well, look no further! These little lollipops are easy enough to make that my seven year old pretty much did it herself after I showed her how. I don't remember where I first saw the idea, but these have been on my ...
Tuesday’s Tip: Tie it up!
Let's face it: there's not much that doesn't just look better with a bow. It's the easiest way to turn a simple sugar cookie into a pretty present. ...
Make-It-Yourself Monday: Easy (Last-Minute!) Chocolate Treats
\ Happy Valentine's Day! I know today's the day because I made the mistake of going to Wal-Mart...crazy. Also, the pink tint on my fingers from making cookies for my daughters' class is a tell-tale sign. As is the brand-new copy of Pioneer Woman's cookbook that I found with two Cadbury Fruit & Nut bars in the driver's seat of my car this morning. Yep. My husband knew it was Valentine's ...