It may be February, but it was 85 degrees here the other day so summer doesn't seem quite so far away. Now is the perfect time to start getting your home ready for the season of warm weather and outdoor activities. Here in Mississippi, summer comes quickly, and you know you want to be ready for all the fun the season brings. Your home should be ready, too, and there are a few simple ways to be ...
Tuesday’s Tip: Beat the Heat (A Review)
It's getting hot out there, y'all! The humidity is up, and so is the temperature. My family is beating the heat with an above-ground pool from Backyard Ocean, and we are loving it! Last spring, after years of debating and several mind-numbing, ear-splitting and head-aching days of having huge machines breaking up an enormous (more than 50,000 gallons) concrete pool in our backyard, my husband ...